Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Know Who You Are !

How many minutes have you taken out of your busy schedule just to know what exactly you need, what exactly you want to do,...

The Magic of Service

“I am not happy with my current job. I am confused and don’t really know what to do!” If this is your concern too or...

Is India only a responsibility of Narendra Modi Ji?

In the history of Independent India, and probably in the World history, there would have never been such a fan-fare for any PM or...

TENNIS begins with ‘LOVE’

Tennis has historically been called the sport of a 'lifetime', 'a game of royals' for the people who play it , its just not...

How to Produce & Create Time for “What is most important”

As I work along with a wide range of people from across the globe, I find a common problem among them... "I don't have time",...

Self-realization for self-success

It is all about self-realization and awareness. It is about looking inside. Everything that we have realized in our lives, it has come through...

How I got back my eyesight !

I shall be glad to share with you all a Miracle that happened with me in the year 2008, when I was reading The...

Food & Us – Start Your Day With Healthy Breakfast

So how have you all been..!! In the previous article I emphasized on breakfast, so you might be thinking about the healthy options as well. Well,...

Control Your Anger — Before It Controls You

Anger is a term that defines the emotional state of someone who has been offended, wronged, or denied. And it’s after effects can either...

Food & Us

Hey everybody, how many of us have ever tried to find out the truth behind what we are eating!!Take a look through this, she/he...