TENNIS begins with ‘LOVE’
Tennis has historically been called the sport of a 'lifetime', 'a game of royals' for the people who play it , its just not...
How to Produce & Create Time for “What is most important”
As I work along with a wide range of people from across the globe, I find a common problem among them... "I don't have time",...
Self-realization for self-success
It is all about self-realization and awareness. It is about looking inside. Everything that we have realized in our lives, it has come through...
How I got back my eyesight !
I shall be glad to share with you all a Miracle that happened with me in the year 2008, when I was reading The...
Food & Us – Start Your Day With Healthy Breakfast
So how have you all been..!!
In the previous article I emphasized on breakfast, so you might be thinking about the healthy options as well.
Control Your Anger — Before It Controls You
Anger is a term that defines the emotional state of someone who has been offended, wronged, or denied. And it’s after effects can either...
সমকালীন দৃশ্যপট
সমকালীন দৃশ্যপট - আগুন জ্বলছে চারিদিকে। নাহ্! এ আগুনে হাত সেঁকা যায় না, বরং সব পুড়ে ছারখার হয় অনায়াসেই। দেশ জুড়ে হাহাকার ... তীব্র...
Traveldiary Ahmedabad | Adalaj
Tucked away from the hustle bustle of capital city of Gujrat, lost in time yet well remembered is the city's one of the oldest...
Author: Moupriya Das OH, it’s so cool to see the buxom “ITEM Girls”. OH, It’s so cool to see one or two forced Items songs...