

The June 12 Full Moon expands your horizons, widens your world, and maybe blows your mind. Keep some control so you’ll recognize yourself afterward. Don’t be afraid to blunder into a great learning experience. June 19 and June 20 are powerful days for you. If your critical mind takes a break on June 19, your instincts could take up the slack. You may be supercharged to the point of hyper on June 20, so do something physically demanding. Your family position gets a boost under the June 27 New Moon. Start something new that makes you happy, and conclude or decide something that makes everyone glad.




People might make a lot of demands on you during the June 12 Full Moon. Do what you can, accept graciously what is offered in exchange, and then let it go. You may feel less secure and grounded from June 21 through June 23. Keep track of your wallet, phone, and keys, and relax. This won’t last long. Siblings (or a few close friends) could descend on you during the June 27 New Moon. Watch your Ps and Qs a few days before. Be well situated and ready to jump in and turn a new corner in a relationship.




Big love is possible at the June 12 Full Moon – so is a generous new lover. Be on guard since these things rarely come without strings attached. You should be able to communicate and network more effectively starting June 20. Try to keep it toned down, though. Avoid getting chatty or overbearing. You can charm your way into almost anything on June 24. Control your temper and impatience on June 25. Money matters are highlighted at the June 27 New Moon. You might have more resources (and fewer problems) at home than you realized. Don’t let anyone or anything spook you.




Try to stick close to home at the June 12 Full Moon. Good things will find you there and tend to last. Don’t wait idly – keep busy in the meantime. The Sun enters your sign on June 21 and brings the first day of summer with it. Feel comfortable in your own skin no matter what’s happening in the world around you. It’s a fresh, powerful New Moon for you on June 27. If you’ve needed to project a stronger self-image of your choosing, you can do it now. Just remember to include your roots and background.




You could be the center of attention for the first few days of the month, so look good, behave well, and see if you can’t gain some extra respect and good memories out of it. Cravings for big fun might rock your world at the June 12 Full Moon, or perhaps it will be an explosion of creativity. Either way, it won’t be boring. The June 27 New Moon lets you make some personal changes and start a new approach to an old problem without a lot of people interfering with you. You don’t have to tell anyone about anything unless you really trust them.




Your powers of critical thinking will get a big boost on June 7. You can make things perfect and correct many minor errors. Fully embrace your discriminatory powers. The June 12 Full Moon shines on your family and home environment. Try to keep things quiet, don’t force anything, and let the magic of the night provide its comfort and blessings. If there’s friction with friends before June 27, the New Moon brings you a chance to shift things around socially and make some new friends and different alliances. Satisfy yourself and let the chips fall where they may.




June 7 and June 8 are powerful, if not easy, days. Self-motivation and energy could spike, but you’ll still be able to slow down the pace of life to suit yourself. The June 12 Full Moon could whet your curiosity and set you exploring something that interested you before but has since been dropped or forgotten. If work or office life gets a bit rocky before June 27, the New Moon lets you touch up any rough spots with co-workers or superiors. You could even make a major change in career direction. Don’t be brash, but don’t be anxious, either.




June 9 and June 10 could pack a punch that brings to a head something that most people have been avoiding. You may not like it either, but the resolution will be well worth it. Have your finances in order – or at least in hand – for the June 12 Full Moon, since this lunation affects your money and material possessions. Think no surprises, and perhaps an opportunity or two for increase. The June 27 New Moon might drag you out of seclusion and push you more into the public. Step up, be yourself, and maybe make some new contacts.




The June 12 Full Moon is all yours. Be prepared to shine and attract attention. There’s no point in being shy or not speaking up. Be nice about it all. You could be drawn into someone else’s affairs just before the New Moon on June 27. Anything you do to help will only benefit you and your family in the long run, but don’t get nervous about the preconceived notions of anyone else. The day after the New Moon, June 28, watch for a special personalized blessing, pop of good luck, or simply a chance to do a very good deed.




Let the June 12 Full Moon boost your self-confidence and sense of security. Don’t hide from people, but expect to do your best work and thinking out of sight and out of the minds of others. There’s less criticism that way. June 14 could be a busy and emotionally intense day. Stay cool and calm, and refuse to get rattled. A love interest or romantic involvement could appear close to home at the June 27 New Moon. If a friend of a friend of a sibling has a crush on you, don’t be surprised (or rude). Roll with it if it appeals to you.




It’s a hot social scene at the June 12 Full Moon. People are going to want to be with you. Don’t have so much fun that you’re exhausted the next day, however. June 16 and 17 could be a roller-coaster ride. Be mentally sharp and bright on June 16, but don’t be surprised if you’re washed away on a tide of emotion the next day. The June 27 New Moon is a great time to start a bunch of small but significant changes or additions to your work routine or diet. Be good to yourself in a million little ways.




The June 12 Full Moon brings extra light into your work and career efforts. Act generously but speak modestly for the best and most long-lasting results. June 18 could be profoundly touchy-feely. Be generous but respectful about hugs. The June 27 New Moon opens doors and provides lots of opportunities for fun and creativity. Psychodrama could peak, too, especially with family, so try to minimize or completely skip that part. Not getting scared or feeling inferior can help. The last few days of the month set you up to do great things for someone else and earn massive karmic brownie points.


[Source: astrocenter]
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