Research education is having an ageless impression for its most dynamic future and it is exclusively notable for the researchers to find the indelible discovery. 4th International Conference on Advancements in Engineering, Technology and Management has taken place at “The Ten, Eastin Hotel, Makassan, Bangkok, Thailand, which has been organized by Cosmic journals Group.

It is quite evident that plenty of renowned dignitaries such as Professor Dr. Sushanta Tripathi from KIIT University, Dr. Dhiraj Sharma from Punjabi University, Dr. Vinod Kumar from the same University and most notably Dr. Rumki Gupta, Former Scientist of Indian Statistical Institute has received very prestigious “Guest of Honour”, alongside all the sincere researchers and scholars, who had taken the irresistible initiative for this purposeful educational event in a befitting manner.

In other words Mr Anupam Verma and Mr. Aswini Verma have been truly amazing in enriching their best professional contemplations and implementing their incomparable efforts to make this event a resounding success.

Dr. Rudrarup Gupta was one of the presenters in that elite academic summit. His topic was “Leader’s Contribution is always exemplary for an Exclusive Organizational Goal” and he delivered in a pleasing manner with his everlasting expressions and he has established the most painstaking elegance of leaders for the rapid organizational magnification.

On the other hand he has competed with all the participants and established his noble academic illuminations there.

On the other hand he has received most prestigious Adroit Researcher Award 2018 in the field of Business and Management and the exclusive recognition for hosting the spirited International Conference.

In this regard Dr. Gupta has dedicated both the alluring recognitions to his gifted Father Shri Malay Gupta(An Enriching Business Man) and his eminent Mother and IDOL for ever Dr. Rumki Gupta(Scientist of Indian Statistical Institute) for their never ending blessings and their priceless parenting right from the beginning. He thinks that without their noticeable efforts it could have never been possible in deed.

Dr. Gupta has felt really stimulated to contribute for his exclusive educational discoveries. Moreover he is desirous to reform the requisite educational magnificence in all over the world and contribute for this acclaimed organization “Cosmic Journals Group” over the coming years.


 ~ Press Release of AETM International Conference 2018 ~

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