H Hatpakha is an online space with a mission to help people improve their lives in various ways. We at Hatpakha firmly believes that Life is meant to be lived complete and abundant in all spheres and should not be compromised in any way at all. Hence, here we share extra-ordinary story of common people, knowledge and advices of ordinary people who are extra-ordinary performers and thereby Help this world to become a better place for ALL of us. Sometimes we include celebrities too when we find them doing extra-ordinary things which can influence and inspire common masses in a positive extra-ordinary way.
We believe, EVERY HUMAN IS A HERO and EVERY HUMAN possess something extra-ordinary which can HELP everyone else to be , do and have an Extraordinary and Complete & Fulfilling Abundant Life in ALL parameters.
We started Hatpakha to make an online social platform for all the people where anyone can share their thoughts, their skills, and their talents … and anything you want to share with us. There is no proofing, no cancelation.
We believe everyone has a hidden writer inside. We meet so many people, who can write, try to write or just have something share with the world. But because of want of a suitable platform, their creations and talents get disregarded and un-noticed. We understand it is difficult to find a place among eminent writers in hot-shot forums. This is the reasons which made us to think to form a space where anyone and everyone can share their writings. Our soul intention is to give opportunity to the readers, the taste of all kind of writings and thereby encouraging budding writers.

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