We have absolute control over but one thing & that is our thoughts. This is the most significant & inspiring of all facts known to man; it reflects man’s divine nature. This divine prerogative is the sole means by which we may control our own destiny. If we fail to control our own mind, it is sure that we will control nothing else. Our mind is our spiritual estate. Protect & use it with the care to which divine royalty is entitled. We were given a will power for this purpose.

Unfortunately, there is no legal protection against those who either by design or ignorance, poison the minds of others by negative suggestion. This form of destruction should be punished by heavy legal penalties, because it may & often destroy one’s chances of acquiring material things which are protected by law.

The activities of men with negative minds & its bad impact can be explained by taking the example of Thomas A. Edition. Men with negative minds tried to convince Edition that he could not build a machine that would record & reproduce the human voice because no one else had ever produced such a machine. Edition believed that mind could produce anything the mind could conceive and believe & that knowledge was the thing that lifted the great Edition above the common heard. Mind control is the result of self discipline & habit; either we have to control our mind or it controls us. There is no half way compromise.

The most practical method for controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it bussy, with a definite purpose, backed by definite plan. If we study the records of any successful man, we will see that he has controlled over his own mind, moreover he exercises that control & directs it towards the attainment of definite objectives. Without this control success is not possible. We must believe that we are the master of our own earthly destiny just as surely as we have the power to control our own thoughts. We are the master of our fate, the captain of our souls, because we have the power to control our thoughts.

In fine, it is to be noted that the principles that discussed above have worked for many men. We can put them to work for our own enduring benefit.


~ The thing over which we have absolute control ~
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Mitra Das
At present staying at Mumbai though I born & brought up at Kolkata. MA in Philosophy from CU, worked in a foreign company but at present completely a house wife. I spend most of my times by writing poems & article(educational) both in English & Bengali.My husband now enjoying his retired life. My only daughter is Asst. Prof. In an engineering college & married.We visit Kolkata frequently.
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